Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pedaling a bit harder.

Well, we just got episode 5 out, and it was a barrel of... Let's just say fun for the younger audiences =). Anyways, it's out, it's no longer sitting on my hard drive doing nothing, so watch it and stuff oO;.


P.S It's mostly on our bot, our seeders aren't really around so the bittorent file is a bit slow >.>; *Hint hint*

Edit: Episode 6 Is now out! Grab it while you can o.o!
Edit2: Oops, something slipped by in ep6 -__-, apparently the logo was mistimed, and bleeds into some of the karaoke... We'll be issuing a new v2 of the release, however not right at this point. My apologies for allowing that to slip.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fansubbing not quite in overdrive...

So lately we've either been extremely busy or just lazy =\, things happen. With this release we get back on track, as well as display a new karaoke effect for the opening song. The karaoke effects were created by TeddyCow, and they're pretty neat to look at to say the least. Hopefully we'll have some more episodes out soon. Still looking for our samurai and military platoon =(, so join today, so we can have more staff to abuse. More abuse = More work done = More releases =).


Edit: [10:11] > Ep4 is on the bot in case any of you need it.
[10:11] > It's pack #4

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Searching for our Japanese Samurai.. Maybe he's Chinese?


So we're currently desperately looking for Translators right now. What's more, Translator Checkers would be lovely. The translators need to either be able to fluently speak Japanese and English, or be able to read Simp/Trad Chinese.

The animes we're looking to do are based on the ones coming out this summer in July.

That said, we're also in a huge need for other staff positions, many of which can be taught and would gladly be done (Saying you applied). So if you've ever considered fansubbing and have some time, either swing by our irc channel on rizon (#Toki-Fansubs@irc.rizon.net) or give us an email at Tokifansubs(at)gmail.com

Thanks so much,
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky!
